Saturday, November 1, 2008

Ringerike Rotary Club presentation and FIRST SNOW

Travis Rice (fellow Ambassadorial scholar) and I enjoyed a visit to the Ringerike Rotary Club, about an hour outside the city of Oslo, on 29 October.  The Ringerike RC president, Marit Henriksen, graciously welcomed us into her home for dinner before the evening meeting.  This club visit was particularly enjoyable since the two of us were able to tag team the presentation.  That day, we had our first snow in Oslo (see last photo).

Talking about the Land of Lincoln, with our beautiful corn fields as far as the eye can see

Travis describing his home state, Missouri

Presenting some information on Norwegian immigration to the US

The snow was wonderful!  But it has since melted.  Looks like I'm going to need to wait a while before ski season is under way.

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