Saturday, November 1, 2008

An assortment of photos

We had a dinner party for my master's program group at a Norwegian classmate's home.  We gathered on Friday 17 October, after a week with 2 class examinations.  The exams covered material on reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, nutrition and child health.  Poonam, a classmate from Nepal, and I are preparing the salad in the photo here.

A presentation on the US Presidential elections at the Holmenkollen Rotary Club meeting on 14 October.  The presenter, Jon Henrik Gilhuus, is a member of the Monticello Society, a group of pro-American Norwegians interested in US politics, elections and history.

International Community Health program field trip to Rikshospitalet.  We visited the hospital's maternity ward and had a lecture from an OB/GYN on 7 October during our week studying reproductive health.

A classmate sent me this photo recently.  The photo is from one of our first weeks in class back in August.  The professor in the photo is Gunnar Bjune.

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